Sunday, March 6, 2011

This Issue

Dear Readers,
Putting this issue of Leaky Quill taught us many things. We realized we need to learn how to manage our time better. We also learned quite a bit about Spain and its relation to other European powers of the time. We hope this mock-newspaper is a fair representation about Spain and Absolute Rulers.
And now, Auntie Sarah, shall take it way with her Q&A.


~Auntie Sarah's Advice Column~
                              by Rachael Kang
Hello Readers!!
I've gotten so much mail the past few days asking me the oddest questions. I know everyone has experienced one of these life's little grievances at some time. So I hope this advice helps all those damsels in distress. 

1. What should I do with my donkey, he seems a bit lost most of the time?
A: It depends, are you doing a good job as the owner?

2. What should I do? My family is going through a tough time financially, and paying the
tithe to the Church is getting a bit burdensome. Should I cut the tithe or keep it going?
A: I think the best thing you can do for now is support the family, and keep it going.

3. I’m not sure if I should continue in Catholicism, I mean, is our king really the
messenger of God?
A: First of all, it all depends on your king, if he believes in religious toleration then sure
change your religion, but if your king is someone who wants the people to believe in one
thing then I think you would want to stay Catholic.

4. I am having trouble choosing a wagon. I want one that is cheap, but still can hold an
season’s worth of crop. Any suggestions?
A: Usually cheap things aren’t very useful, but if you have enough money to pay for an
expensive wagon, then I would go for the more expensive one.

5. I feel as if I am being cheated on with my education. I am a woman, but I don’t like the
idea that I cannot go to school with my brothers to learn. How should I overcome this?
A: If you really want to learn along with your brothers, then I suggest you ask them to
teach you what they learn in school.

6. I need money fast, this sudden rise in prices is killing my family and me. How can I get
more money and quickly?
A: Well do you have a job? Without a job there’s no money.

7. My serfs are starting to get restless, should I lay back for now and let it die out, or
should i take
A: First of all, they’re your serfs, they do all the work and you get money for that right?
So I suggest you give them a break.

8. I am about to marry into a very wealthy family, but my parents are the ones who
arranged this all. I don’t know the woman very well at all, and I have feelings for another
woman at the moment. Should I give this new woman a try or tell my parents about this
other woman. (She isn’t superbly
wealthy as the new one, but she isn’t dirt poor either.)
A: If you have very strong feelings for the other woman, then I think you should let your
parents know. Otherwise, if you couldn’t care less about the other woman, then give the
new one a chance.

9. My daughter is starting to learn how to read, but we need her to help her mother to
take care of the house and children. I don’t want to make her upset, but at the same
time we need her. What should I choose, the well-being of my family, or my daughter’s

A: I think the well-being of your family should come first, then your daughter’s

10. Where is the most romantic place to get married? I want to wow my suitor.

11. Should I invest more in this new fleet that is going to the New World, or should I just
wait a bit more until I don’t have to rely fully on this fleet’s success?
A: I think that depends on your desperation.

UPDATE:~~~~Please note that this was for a project and we will not be added any more issues. Sorry for the confusion.